'Expensive' is a word that can be used to describe everything here in Melbourne. Food especially... Even for Ringgit, RM10 per meal already consider a good meal for me. In here, it's also 10, but $10! Convert into Ringgit, RM30!!! For a good meal, $20!!!!!
Well, at least it's expected to be expensive before I came here... Originally I though that I can get some electronic products over here like mp3 player, laptop, camera and PSP at cheaper prices. But ended up not the case... Some even more expensive than Malaysia.
Everything is freaking expensive! But until today, I finally found something cheap!
Cadbury 500g Milk Chocolate selling at $4.50! Back in Malaysia, it cost around RM13 for a 250g pack. From what I observed, this should be some stock clearance sale price. Which means it's only limited stocks. Ish... I should have buy more....
copy mr.Tai style lar he eat kit kat as lunch u eay cadbury
gimme ur add la.. i dhl you maggie..
TC jiang de dao yao zhuo de dao!
WHYWAI.. 55 give him your add.. HAHA
i wan.. u buy more.. then dhl to malaysia..
Unilodge Melbourne
125/746 Swanston St.
3053 Carlton, Victoria.
Thank you ThongChin~
buy many many chocolates back to malaysia...then sell it at Malaysia standard price....maybe give some discount....the profit can belanja me eat Pizza Hut :D
lol.. i go post office check the delivery price first.. later the maggie + deliver rice = maggie price in aussie..
Send here need bout RM80-100 according to zw... LoL
I sell all to you la Joey. Then i belanja u go Burger King.
can i join to go burger king too! lol.here tak da..oni got dunkin donuts and j.co..then their kfc hor, comes with rice one, don have salad and mash potato.so diff.btw..if so cheap shud buy more la~
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