Well, this will be a 'self satisfaction' post. But can't help... Because the new drama 《翻滾吧!蛋炒飯》 (erm, Rolling Omelet Rice?) is finally on air! 13 episodes, 13 weeks. I hope I have enough time to finish this drama before go study.
So what so special about this drama? Since Taiwanese (偶像剧) idol drama's storyline is always exaggerate and silly. They named it idol drama, so watching these drama only serve 1 purpose - see idols... For the 1st time, Genie Zhuo (卓文萱) act as the leading female character in the drama!!! So regardless how silly and boring the storyline goes, it will be a must watch! How good is Genie you ask? If one day you see me queueing in the crowd to get an idol's signature, then the idol must be Genie. No other idol has the attraction to drag me into the crowd, I hate crowd VERY much...
Watched 《公主小妹》 awhile ago because Genie in the actors list. It pissed me because although they stated Genie as "2nd leading character", her screen time is extremely little. But I did impressed fashion designer of her in 《公主小妹》. I realised Genie looks extremely charming in yellow clothings. And throughout the drama, almost all dresses she wore are in yellow spectrum. Thanks to that, I was able to complete the drama even the storyline is .....
(sigh, I can't find a proper screenshot of her in yellow dress beside this.)
ps: No photo flooding so Joey won't comment my blog as blue web...
aiya .. import come when u come here ... i want jacky wu de guess show .. lol .. i miss him like i miss u ...lol
wat to say leh??
oh ya...i like yellow colour
wah.. so cute..
zw: i saw monkeyking, supersunday etc etc.. but never see guess... dunno why. If RMIT accept me i go search for it ;)
teckie: lol, this post wrote of myself de...
tc: Made u think of chiwawa a?
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