Today I followed my brother to a Levi's Jeans shop. He told us that the shop sell rejected products which are much more cheaper than normal Levi's. So I browse and picked a nice jeans labelled RM 169 to try. Frankly, the price is quite budget for Levi's. I tried 32" which I usually wear but the sizes for that design are more tide. So I asked a shopkeeper to find 34" for me. She told me no more 34" for that design and passed me an almost identical one. I tried and decided to buy. But I never realised that 'identical design' actually cost RM230!!! Unfortunely, My uncle who helped us to pay the total also never complaint to me on the price...
My brother and I only knew that I bought a DAMN EXPENSIVE jeans when we paying back to my uncle. My brother told me the shopkeepers in that shop always do such thing to persuade customers buy non-rejected products. My brother didn't scold me, but he showed a really horrible expression to me, which like scolding I'm such a stupid and wasteful kid... Made me so scare and regretful whole the whole day... Argh~ I'll never buy jeans from that shop anymore!
The most expensive cloth in my life (RM230!!!)
It's also my 1st Levi's....
21 January 2008
Bought EXPENSIVE Jeans !
18 January 2008
Collecting Rubber...
Stayed in grandparents' home for few days before moving to Setia Tropika. My grandparents have a tiny rubber estate at the backyard of their house as side incomes. After being parasite for whole month, I realise my body started to become very weak. So I offer help for my grandma. Since I dunno how to tap a rubber tree, so I just able to help my grandma to collect rubbers.
Although I saw rubbers countless times, actually this is the 1st time I touched them because their smell is really awful. Due to the Latex acid formed when rubber become solid. A very good experience. It's not a hard work, but there are some difficult parts where I have to withstand with the stings of mosquitos and wake up early in the morning.
Think of it, my grandma is doing these works everyday... Since I also lazy to find a job, maybe I'll consider to go back again and help her for the next half year before go study...
The tiny home-base rubber estate...
Fresh Rubber. Pure white, No smelly Latex acid formed.
Standard rubber tapping (Going to learn if got chance)
12 January 2008
Last Day in Lahad Datu, Sabah...
The day finally arrived. Time to say Bye to the place that I grew up. It's impossible that I won't miss this place. Afterall, I spent 13 years here from primary to secondary school. But I have to keep going on. My life still a long way ahead...
Followed my mother visited her old friends these days to farewell with them. These visits really brought up my remories because these people actually watched me grew up from a little kid. They are more like my relatives rather than just 'parent's friends'... Uncle Chow's family who I first to know when came Lahad Datu. My family and I even stayed in his house for few months before my father found a roof for us. Yap's family and Tony's family who as our neighbours for more than 10 years. It's hard to have close and helpful neighbours nowadays because people always shield themselves up, especially in cities... Gonna miss this neighbourhood spirit!
And lastly Uncle Kim Ming's family, our ex-neighbour and my father's best friend in here. Used to follow aunt's car to school everyday since I'm their son's classmate/best friend during primary school. I always went their house to play and sometimes even take meals and stay overnight there. Their family is a tall genetic's family, the shortest in them is younger sister, who also with the height 177cm and my friend is even higher than me (above 188cm). So Uncle Kim Ming always joke that I grew so high because I absorbed their genetics! LoL...
Wrote a lots. He he.. Really bringing up my childhood memories.
This is the 1st time I helping to move to new house. Packing up the things surely is tiring, but the really headache problem is to decide what to bring and what to throw... There is a great collection of "treasures" in home after stayed for 10+ years.
House's Before
& After shipped...
I feel really wasted we can't bring this horn. Didn't show the head because it's really a complete skeleton. Need permit to bring these things... Very rare to get such a pretty and old deer's horn nowadays. Even Doubt is it legal (sweat~) ! Dunno how much it can sell in oversea's blackmarket. LoL...
Planned to take photos of Lahad Datu this morning but forgot to take camera. (sigh~) So I just managed to snap some with my handphone along the road back to my home.Somewhere of main town... New plaza that haven't open. No chance to visit ady...

The TALLEST building in town (9 floors only)...

The ONLY traffic light in town for past 7 years until 2 new traffic lights was installed last year...
( ps: here is the place I had my car accident. that time the traffic lights is out of service )

Da Dang~~ My Ex-Home A2-1 (left hand side of second floor of the further building)

04 January 2008
I bang~~ having a car accident...
4th day of a new year huh... Still happy new year? NO!!! Because I accidentally hit 2 cars at one shot... I used to kiddin with my friends that having traffic accident is like chicken pop - a must in life. Now I eat my own words. which come in double troubles. It's really scary experience although it's only some small scatches... My hands are even still shaking until now. Because 1 of the car I bangs belong to a gangster....
Luckily my brother-in-law was there to help out for the settlements. Everything seem overcame. Once again I observed the "greatness" of him. He even called his friends, a policeman and a workshop technician to make sure everything's under control. Seriously he's the man I respect the most beside my parents and elder brother. Since I was a kid, he started to help my family in all sort of problems. My sister really picked a great man as husband.
In contrast, I realised myself is so useless and immature to handle these kind of situations. It's kinda shameful for a 20 years old man to be so dependant... I can't imagine how I gonna settle this matter if I was on my own... Never made my new year wish yet... I hope I can be a great man as my brother-in-law in near future...
No photo was taken... How possible I'll dare or have the mood the take photo under the situation... LoL... What a bad experience... Hope I still manage to get some sleep tonight...
ps: I didn't even told my parents about this accident yet...
02 January 2008
Happy New Year ! Happy Rise Taxes !
A new year came while I'm headache about my application for Uni. of Melb. Really a bad start for 2008... Putting that sad story aside... Well, basiclly there are 2 things everyone need to do in the very beginning of a year.
1. Plan the year.
2. Pay the year. I mean... the taxes.
I went accompany my mom to several government departments to pay up all sort of taxes today. After 4 days off, it's no doubt that these places is gonna fill will crowd of good citizens that planning to pay their bills.
Our 1st destination is to pay Housing tax. A long queqe in front of the counter to pay Housing tax. I'm kinda pissed off because there were actually 3 counters operating, but the other 2 counters that in charge of other business never bother to help make the queqe move faster even there were no people dealing with them.
Soon, there were discussion on the increased taxes because someone's Housing tax rised about 300% from RM7XX to RM2XXX. But it's found later that the rises depend on areas. Mostly increased around 60-90% and the one with 300% increased rate is the most critical one. Our house only increased around RM10 only. Afterall, it's still a shock news since the taxes never rised that much for years... Not sure about other states...
JPJ Office. Another place that rised my blood pressure. You believes that only 1 counter on duty in the early morning?