Zw^^ (Aug09)
Both as the victims of the "Heat Problem" brand - HP, ZhengWei's laptop also burnt last week exactly same symptoms as mine back in March. Also he decided to buy a Dell desktop, which is budget and decent. :D
Me^^ (Mar09)
Despite all the similarities of the situation we shared, there is one solid difference between us - which is FORTUNE.
Me: Burnt exactly 1 year, 2 weeks after my global warranty expired. Further Wasted $300 by sending it to a mob-shop to repair and ended up worse.
Zw: Burnt after optimum lifespan of 2 years for a laptop. Seriously 2 and 1/2 years is kinda acceptable.
Me: Burnt few days after I 'cut and paste' all data from harddisks borrowed from friends after reformatting my laptop. Everything trapped in laptop.
Zw: Burnt after he bought a new portable harddisk and transferred most data into it.
Me: Missed Dell's $200 rebate promotion by 2 days. And Can't even get a decent promotion after waiting for 3 weeks. (Dell's promotions refresh every week)
Zw: Dell gives a price slash by RM500 for the desktops the day before he buy.
Well, I bet his order will also arrived within 3 weeks or even much earlier. Rather than my 3 estimated + 3 delayed = 6 weeks of waiting before my order arrived.
This is a post of jealousy.
hahahaha .. i knew it .. u writing something about me .. u didnt clear the trace ..
i was just writing... u backed too early.. Xp
eh wah, L can be zw, u go dye brown la, then look like light d
noooo~ I more like L... reserving hair now dy... Watashi wa L desu...
wah why so easy burn de. sure no buy cooling pad and dota 24/7 XD
buy a cooler master cooling pad like, and its stil working atleast for me. almost 3 years already
Aiyoo... my uncle had the same problem with his HP Pavillion too... you guys have gotta learn how to take good care of your laptops laa... like seriously...
Weh KW... if you can do rough estimations between ZW and yourself.. work harder to do your Maths laa! (refering to your status on FB) :)
I took good care of my laptop lo, even talked to her everynight...
That math is not something u can know by just work harder....
hahaha!! lol!
lol... same goes to my compaq.. damn HOT! if break an egg here i think got ho bao dan d...
jovie, you know why 3 years? coz it's DELL.. :D
oh btw my laptop adi 1 and half year never had problem.. hope continue like this until 3 years la.. ahahah
what bout acer? acer also good right..
right right :D
then try buying acer lah.why want dell? why why tell me why..lol~
coz dell's logo looks prettier... :p
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