Zw^^ (Aug09)
Both as the victims of the "Heat Problem" brand - HP, ZhengWei's laptop also burnt last week exactly same symptoms as mine back in March. Also he decided to buy a Dell desktop, which is budget and decent. :D
Me^^ (Mar09)
Despite all the similarities of the situation we shared, there is one solid difference between us - which is FORTUNE.
Me: Burnt exactly 1 year, 2 weeks after my global warranty expired. Further Wasted $300 by sending it to a mob-shop to repair and ended up worse.
Zw: Burnt after optimum lifespan of 2 years for a laptop. Seriously 2 and 1/2 years is kinda acceptable.
Me: Burnt few days after I 'cut and paste' all data from harddisks borrowed from friends after reformatting my laptop. Everything trapped in laptop.
Zw: Burnt after he bought a new portable harddisk and transferred most data into it.
Me: Missed Dell's $200 rebate promotion by 2 days. And Can't even get a decent promotion after waiting for 3 weeks. (Dell's promotions refresh every week)
Zw: Dell gives a price slash by RM500 for the desktops the day before he buy.
Well, I bet his order will also arrived within 3 weeks or even much earlier. Rather than my 3 estimated + 3 delayed = 6 weeks of waiting before my order arrived.
This is a post of jealousy.