8 weeks of holidays are pathetically short. I always feel like hitting my head on the wall for doubted to take 5 subjects back in 1st sem of 2009. I would have another 7 weeks of enjoyments if I did that...
5 weeks have past now, and there is only 3 weeks left... After 3 weeks, I have to leave my family and living alone for 7 weeks. It will be even lonelier than last summer because there were still someone to talk to in Unilodge last time.
I hate summer classes! I want celebrate Chinese New Year! I want long vacation!!!
21 December 2009
13 November 2009
Good bye! Another Milestone.
Yesterday I just finished my exam. Tomorrow I'm going back to Malaysia. And Today, is my last day staying in Unilodge.
Leaving Melbourne this time is much heavier than previous time because the changes are massive. After staying in Unilodge for one and a half year since i came Melbourne, finally it's time to move out and stay in an apartment. I've always wanted to stay in an apartment because it feels more home-like. But it's hardly to have many people gathering together for dining and chill out like what we always do in such student accommodation as Unilodge, which I'll be missed for sure.
Besides that, the end of 2nd Year also means the end of common years of my Engineering course where students will proceed to subjects corresponding to their specific majors. Mechanical, Automotive, Manufacturing and etc... The worse, most of my friends are taking different major with me.
So next semester, I'm going to be separated with 70% of the people I know in Melbourne. Hmm... I'm a bit melancholy now...
Genie Again!!
Here she goes again! Album of the year!!
Artist: 卓文萱 (Genie Chuo)
Album: [1+1] Play n Fun
I know it's just a money cheating compilation album with 6 new songs but charging double CDs for 24 songs. Still, I'm so going to buy it as I'm already a Fanboy! ~.~
24 October 2009
Birthday 2009
In the day I become 21 years old, I see unlimited futures! XD
Thanks Sim for the luxury morning dimsum session. Thanks Chris and his girlfriend for the super nice homemade cheese cake.
Thanks Teck Hong and Zhengwei for sacrifying their precious study & assignment time to the dinner. Thanks Darryl for skipping cell group and super organised planning for the dinner trip. XD
20 October 2009
I did it again!
I admit, it's always my own fault for letting the pot in the kitchen... But, if only the kitchen is NOT 3 rooms away from my room! That's one of the great reason that I wanna have our own kitchen.
18 October 2009
How ur lecturers return ur papers?
How did your lecturers return your test or assignment papers?
Unlike tutorial exercises that tutors can give feedback to us one by one, it's always a problem in my course for lecturers to return tests and assignments to us because most lecturers fulfill their lecture hours to talk as much as they can regardless educative or not. Here are the few ways I classified after 1 year of observations.
Garbage Collector - "Dispose and collect if you want."
For less important papers, such as class quiz and class exercises (especially for maths subject that don't have tutorial). Lecturers usually will just leave the marked papers in from of faculty and ask students to pick up theirselves.
Beggar - "Don't rush, everyone will get his soon."
For most mid semester tests. Papers are distributed hand to hand because of 'privacy' issue. Don't really understand what so privacy about test scores though. After class, lecturer will call out names 1 by 1 and students will crowded around lecturer as in they can't wait to leave the lecture hall.
Patient - "xxx, it's your turn for diagnosis!"
Sometimes, lecturer would like to have some personal feedback with minority of the students. So he will give a list of student numbers that have to stay after class, and call their names or just queue up 1 by 1 for feedback.
Tekken 6 Statue!
I went JB Hi-Fi for a walk and checking out new games few days ago, and I saw this.
Super kool real size Jin and Kazuya pointing their fists at each other. It stated that the statue is sponsored by the game distributor, Namco himself and will be given away through a sort of lucky draw.
I'm not a die hard fan of Tekken, but I have been playing the game since Tekken 3. It's kinda hyped when I saw the statue for the first time. Anyway, if I won this statue.... I will definitely selling it in ebay! :D
11 October 2009
Nendoroid: Saber Lily
Unboxing: Here comes my 7th Nendoroid - an alternative version of Saber from PSP game Fate/Unlimited Codes, one of my favorite anime character design. Noticeably various of arm parts for different poses.
My only dissatisfaction of Nendoroids is their base stand that always can't hold the figures properly. I seen improvements over time and finally this one came with a really well built base stand. Now I can prevent the figure from leaning behind by adjusting the bend. Kool!
Original Noble Phantasm (Sacred Weapon) - Excalibur
18 September 2009
I dye my Hair
Seriously, I never realized hair colour can really change one's look a lot. Here's my latest photo. Believe it? or not?
I bet you don't... LoL
12 September 2009
Hello, Blog
Oh my god... I haven't update my blog for 40 days. In fact it wasn't that I'm too busy to update, but because of the slow internet.
Actually, it has been customary that I used up our download quota before the next month. Just that the day reached more and more early from few days before and then a week. Finally last month my download-holic seem to be overwhelmingly gone insane that our download quota of 20GB finished in just 1 week time. Leaving ZhengWei and me basically a Dial-Up speed internet for the next 3 weeks. It's so slow that I even lazy to check my student email!
Seriously, sorry to my beloved roommate. I promise that won't happen anymore. Maybe we should subscribe a 100Gb/month internet plan when we moved to new place next year, kool? XD
1 more thing, I lost my room key 2 weeks ago. The key is security acts protected, cannot and not possible to make a copy. So I had paid 150AUD to Unilodge to change a new lock. Seriously...
03 August 2009
Zennway & Me
Both as the victims of the "Heat Problem" brand - HP, ZhengWei's laptop also burnt last week exactly same symptoms as mine back in March. Also he decided to buy a Dell desktop, which is budget and decent. :D
Despite all the similarities of the situation we shared, there is one solid difference between us - which is FORTUNE.
Me: Burnt exactly 1 year, 2 weeks after my global warranty expired. Further Wasted $300 by sending it to a mob-shop to repair and ended up worse.
Zw: Burnt after optimum lifespan of 2 years for a laptop. Seriously 2 and 1/2 years is kinda acceptable.
Me: Burnt few days after I 'cut and paste' all data from harddisks borrowed from friends after reformatting my laptop. Everything trapped in laptop.
Zw: Burnt after he bought a new portable harddisk and transferred most data into it.
Me: Missed Dell's $200 rebate promotion by 2 days. And Can't even get a decent promotion after waiting for 3 weeks. (Dell's promotions refresh every week)
Zw: Dell gives a price slash by RM500 for the desktops the day before he buy.
Well, I bet his order will also arrived within 3 weeks or even much earlier. Rather than my 3 estimated + 3 delayed = 6 weeks of waiting before my order arrived.
This is a post of jealousy.
23 July 2009
The Day The Sink Strikes
For a year, our sink took everything we poured into it. We brush teeth, wash cups and rinse feet on it. But one day, it can't compromises anymore and refuses to accept our water. Having its revenge, it started to flood our room by vomiting stinky water.
Here's another little side story in our room. Last Friday, our sink suddenly got stuck after Zhengwei brushed his teeth before sleep. Initially we thought it's the U-pipe that stucked, but the next day we realised the situation was worse. stinky and dirty water started to flood out from the sink. It wasn't the U-pipe but the main pipe. Since our room is in the lowest floor, the waste water from upper floors was trapped and flooded out from our sink... How disgusting!
A repairman came when I went to class, but he recognized a pipe specialist is needed for the task and hence leaved us without any help. Luckily he left his spanner in our room.
So I removed the U-pipe so that the waste water can directly drop into a bucket instead of splitting everywhere wetting the carpet when the sink flooded.
In past few days, me and Zhengwei gained a full-time job as cleaner as we have to discharge the waste water from other rooms to toilet whenever the bucket is fulled.
Fortunately, the pipeman came today and finally fix the pipe. Phew... What a screw up experience...
09 July 2009
Adelaide Too
Thanks to zw, I was able to tag him to Adelaide last week visiting his friend Szeyin. My very first impression of Adelaide on flight is flat, as there aren't many high buildings around. Harmonic and leisure, definitely a city to be loved.
A memorable moment, not because of zw's peeing in the wild. But I almost lost our map and destinations list here, 60km away for city being too excited taking this photo. Thankfully zw found it opposite the road...
And my choice of best trip will be Victor Harbor. The main attraction of the island is observing penguins, which we only saw one (still unsure is it really penguin or a bird) because the penguin tours only available night and we have to leave before dark for safety. But we had fun trekking around the little graphite island, climbing rocks and taking photos.
Lastly, thank so much to Szeyin for accommodated me even just as a friend of friend. She is really a good host, who keep asking me do I have enough food every meal. I promised I'll promote her...
ps: They are not couple. I was looking forward for some showdown between the boyfriend and bestfriend but nothing happened. Too bad...
29 June 2009
Nendoroid: Haruhi Suzumiya
Unboxing: So far the least parts Nendoroid I bought. But who cares, she's Haruhi !
That's all for my 5th Nendoroid. 6th coming soon too~
17 June 2009
Will - 007
WhyWai's Mandarin Music recommendation:
Artist: 潘玮柏 (Will Pan)
Album: 零零七 (007)
Favorites: 01.双人舞(Pas de Deux) ; 05.爱的歌(Love Song)
Will Pan - Ignoring his first 4 albums, I only started 'keeping an ear' on his album after his Vol.5 - 反转地球, where he started to have a tweak in his style. Following by Vol.6 and now Vol.7 with well balanced fast songs and slow songs, no 'junks' found. For me, a good album is which I will never press "Next" while listening it. Will's genre is Unique, and good choice to rest my ears away from Jay's genre.
One of the track, (04.Be with You) is actually composed by Akon, nice song but indeed very Akon-esque. And the MV of my favourite track, (01.Pas de Deux) is really cool starring awesomely beautiful Lee Da Hae.
30 May 2009
I support Genie!
Trust me, it's pure coincident. ~.~
23 May 2009
Semester Project
Task: Passing Baton between 2 devices.
My team were using Lego Racer and Lego Brainstorm with cardboard buildup for the task. See the video here.
Codename: Optimus Prime
Seriously, those are the names we used in our report. Another teammate and I even coloured them.. LoL...
However, unfortunately my team failed the second run because we didn't realised a gear got loosen after the impact of the first run. I'm so regretful and blaming myself because I went for class instead of the troubleshooting trial the day before the actual run... I can't believe my teammates will leave flaws in our device so irresponsibly!
As a conclusion, a HD for this subject is a gone case now... >.<
16 May 2009
Random Post
I love Autumn's weather & scenery.
This spaghetti trusses bridge project gave me a headache.
My classmate who has more than 10 Converse shoe. Made me feel like buying one too.
Class canceled without information in advance.
I hate the tutor of this tutorial (Professional Practice 1) so much! Irresponsible and retarded...
SolidWorks Assignment
I prefer top-bottom view instead of left-right. So I rotated the screen...